So I'll rant here about how awesome it is to play with painted armies on the table and so forth. As I'm fielding the orks in
this campaign, I really want to get them going, and not as a gray plastic horde but a nice green tide, if you know what I mean. So, here is the first update of my Orky fun.
So I thought I'd go with this level of quality with my orks, don't mind them like that, besides, I've got 100 models to paint so not really rational to paint them to high quality. Orks are for fun and games..
until someone looses an eye!Here you go, the prototype Boy.

So, how did I do it? Let me show you on the rest of the 29 boyz from his mob.
First of all, blue-tac the bunch onto an old box, I call it "teh spray box".

Now, take your lovely acrylic matte green spray, and go outside. Especially now, with the sun and nice warm of the spring- lovely. Spray those models and cover them with fun green goodness. I remind you, make sure you don't spray into your face, eyes or even at your own direction. And try to avoid the wind blowing all the paint onto yourself- not cool.
And if you're done, you should have something like this:

Well, to be honest, I took the pic a bit early and they are a bit wet and shiny. But in 30 minutes or so, they'll be as matte as Matt Damon.(for lolz)
So, now I'll go about my daily business and school stuff, and when I get back, I'll paint those buggers in 2 hours.