A WIP of Mephiston for the Blood Angels. A conversion of warmachines' Vlad of Khador. Have to let the gs to dry up and then I can re cover some of the areas. Flesh out the cape that you can see between the legs.
The same Chooser of the slain model in a pre-basecoat condition. Added sand to the base and gave a shot at making the raven a bit more dynamic without breaking it.
After seeing the previous model my brother asked for the same thing. This time I went for a bit more smaller solution. As the raven is calmly sitting I thought I'd put it on a ancient stone head(and it is from Scibor Miniatures "basing kit i" or "basing kit ii").
A Chooser of the Slain model built for a friend. Base was made with cork. The pillar is from the 6th edition WFB starter set building. The shield is a beastmen ungor shield. The dagger is from the Space Wolf pack. And the raven is from the warmachine Khador old Witch and Scrapjack box(it was supplied with an extra raven).