So, once again I'm back in town to give you an update. To be honest, this weekend hasn't been a success. So, let's start with the rules- I've been reading SAGA and boy do I love the rules. They are fast to learn. Army lists are easy to form. But Wont give you the full review before OS. And I'm so far as to post the review in the coming week.
So what have I painted up. I'm working on my SAGA vikings, but they are in their first rough stages. So, have to show you something from the napoleonic era.

So, a command stand. On the right you can see Prince Sebastian in his royal colors of the Neuereich state. In the front there are two generals(the left one an regular infantry general, with his dark grey uniform and light blue line infantry distinctive colors.) On the right is the general of artillery, with a nice ice blue uniform. And in the back you can see to standards, left one being the infantry colors and the right one the so called Royal Guard colors.
As it is 1:72 scale I haven't paid too much time on the details, witch is fine, cause I'm after numbers. And the numbers are here:

So, me and my brother had all those miniature when we were a bit younger, would say a decade ago. And we played pretty much stupid nonsense with those things. But now as I found them I'm pretty psyched to get into a black powder era game. And, as I've got miniatures from different countries and relatively loose timeline I was possessed by this thing called imagination. So I've had an idea for a story in that era for a long time and though to incorporate that into my hobby. So, the beginnings of my own rules set in the Napoleonic Era are here.
Calling it simply : Colonial Wars of Utopia (1797-1823).
I've posted a small intro on the local friendly forum and you can read it here:
Click MeAny comments or suggestions welcome.
So, keep up your hobby spirits and I'll see you next week with hopefully a lot of stuff painted.