So, a popular miniature wargaming forum, the TWF (the warhammer forum)(soon to be the "wargamer forum") has a nice mini exchange thingy. I took part in it last year and you can see the results from one of the earlier posts here. This year I managed to take part, and painted up a crazy chaos cultist for my recipient. And yesterday I got a package from denmark, from Jimmi ! He took time to paint up this lovely Abbaddon for me. Just check out the details, a small pool on the base with a ravaged body of loyalist dog. Thanks mate, this one made me want to paint some power armor..

But do not fear, I'm keeping close to the Operation Squad theme. So, finished the Afrika Korps squad and as a bonus for myself, I'm gonna play a game of OS today! So, I painted one of the mp40 guys into a medic. Following the example of some historical pictures, the red cross sign is on his helmet, in the front. Sounds like a nice target for the Sikhi riflemen!

There are also four riflemen with some nice glasses. As you can see, I've been fairly shy with adding squad markings or any insignia for that matter. I'm planning on adding them once I've read up on my history of uniforms.

Ok, I'll be honest. I made an experiment with the markings. The Sergeant to lead the squad with his binoculars. A good combo with a mortar team!

So, as the squads are painted up, I need to start worrying about the terrain. My first project will be a generic N African house. I want to keep it simple and small. I will be adding some props inside, a shelf, a table and maybe a field radio piece for the germans. We'll see. But for now, I give you the work in progress style picture.

And last week I took some time to cut out the tokens for OS. Not as thick as I would like them to be, but I see them surviving a few years of gaming. Once I've got the table finished, I'll probably work out a way for a bit more durable tokens.

I got the SAGA rulebook, and I'm allready drooling all over it. Cause it's brilliant. Cause it's nice. Not cause I'm weird...or anything like that.
Good to see you back alive and kickin' I have added a link to my blog.