I was torn between Rate of Fire and Operation Squad - World War II, but finally chose the latter for the sheer fact, that you play it with up to 9 models, while the first one you need a whole platoon. So, ordered it from Maelstrom and along with it some extra models for the North African theater(in my case, German Africa Korps and British Indian Sikhi'). Though I'm certain that once my collection grows, I will also get the Rate of Fire book and venture towards larger engagements. But for now, I'll stick with the small skirmish level action.
Haven't had the time to read it, but will get to it in the coming week. Next weekend I'll give you my first impression on the rules. The book itself is soft covered, with 46 pages and two token sheets. Full color and some nice historical photos and ofcorse some miniature goodness.
Should note that it's the second edition and is written by Massimo Torriani and Valentino del Castello.
I'm pretty sure I wont get a game next weekend, cause I've taken it to be a rule, that: "no paint, no game!". So hope to paint my units up next weekend and the week after that could allready mean a test game or two.
So, on to the minis.
First of all, the Africa Korps. I've got a mortar team, an hmg team and a bunch of troopers. Unfortunately, no officers or sergeants. So, gotta order them before the first game.
I'm using GW bases and Vallejo paints, if you were wondering. Come to think about it, I have enough to make two teams.

And then I've got the British Indian Sikhis'. Not too many, but all of the different minis Artizan has to offer for the Sikhis. Command, two Bren teams and a bunch of riflemen. Enough to make a nice varied team.

I all ready have plans for some terrain and gaming board, but that'll be a job for the future. I'm also allready peeping at some Italians and British commando models, to create extra teams in the future. All following the norther Africa theme, ofcorse.
But that's not all I've been up to. I've got a copy of SAGA, from Gripping Beast in the post and I can't wait to get my hands on that. Allready have a small warband of Anglo-Danish semi-painted and a Viking warband in the mail. So, look out for future posts about SAGA.
And as a closing note, I give you some eyecandy:

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